I have been excited to try the Roofnest in the rain primarily to test it before sending it out with renters without any personal experience. I never realized camping in the rain would become one of my favorite things to do. Have you ever slept under a tin roof in the rain listening to the millions of rain drops bouncing off the roof in a calming rhythm? There is a reason sound machines and the calming app all have recordings of rain. It is the most peaceful, soothing sound there is.Β
You can get a similar soothing sound on a ground tent rain fly as I experienced a few weeks ago backpacking with my family including our 2 year old. However, along with the sound came the anxiety of it leaking or soaking through and getting my whole family wet, ruining a family outing.Β

My first rainy night under the RoofnestΒ was amazing. The sound of the rain hitting the ABS (Waterproof) plastic roof was so soothing and I wasn’t anxious about leaks or getting cold even though I had my same 2 year old sleeping next to me. In the morning when it was time to pack up camp I was so glad we had been up off the muddy wet ground. I simply set the kids in the car, dropped the roof of the tent and drove off. I had just successfully camped with kids in the rain with NO WHINING!

When I decided to get a hard sided roof top tent I was mainly considering durability and ease of use. Had I known how much better it would be in the rain it would have made the decision that much easier. Whether it is open or closed the top is larger than the bottom. This overhang keeps water out when it is closed and while open makes it impossible for water to pool up on any of the fabric walls. The water runs right off. When you climb in/out the canopy/walls fold up protecting you and the tent from getting wet while entering or exiting the zippered door.Β

2 thoughts on “Camping Under The Beautiful Sound of Rain Hitting The Roof”
Hey there! I am trying to figure out the easiest rooftop tent for my 2017 wrangler… is this the sparrow? I seem to like roofnest best so far from my reviews and research. Thanks!
This is the Eagle which has been replaced by the Sparrow XL which I believe is just a name change and updated shape to accommodate solar panels. Always improving.